testi - Testimonials

I have to admit it: when I was first told that I would need to have surgery, I was scared. I didn’t know what to expect. I had a lot of question about how to prepare for the surgery, I had concerns about the recovery process, and my family also had questions. The doctor and staff were an immense help throughout the whole way. They answered my questions, addressed my concerns, and took me through each step of the preparation, surgery and recovery phases. I highly recommend this doctor to anyone who needs neurosurgical services.

– Sean

testi - Testimonials

My surgeon was the consummate professional. He sensed that I was nervous about the upcoming procedure, so he went out of his way to make me feel better. I could tell that he was really committed to my care. He always treated me with the utmost respect and never talked down to me. This surgeon and their staff took great care of me.

– Rebecca

testi - Testimonials

The doctor that treated me came highly recommended by a friend. This surgeon didn’t disappoint. He took a lot of time to explain the upcoming surgery so that I completely understood what was about to happen. The staff was friendly, knowledgeable and professional. It was a 5 star experience all the way.

– Marie